Friday 13 November 2009

"Is she the Frock maker?"

" NO DAD...she's a seamstress, NOT a "Frock maker"

So after my expedition to London to find a production factory, finding one, then finding it to be more expensive than i'd expected or budgeted for, I endeavor to find a sample machinist on the Island. It makes sense because it'll be miles cheaper and I can drop patterns off as and when it suits, they just need to be of a high enough standard.

I put an ad in the local newspaper.

The best £18 I have spent so far. I have been inundated with phone calls and managed to find some highly experience seamstresses, as well as pattern cutters AND interns who had all seen the advert and got in touch. So many that I could potentially produce the whole collection from the Island and not use a factory at all...we shall's exciting though and great to talk to people whose tails wag like mine when they're around pattern pieces, thread, fabric and zips. It makes me feel a little less strange.


  1. Just came across your blog - it looks amazing. Good luck!

  2. Charlotte, you are such a brave and fabulous girl!! and i LOVE the blog. what a great idea.
    so glad it's working out so well for you. Keeping my fingers crossed and VERY excited to see you new collection! xx
